Saman Hazany, MD, DABRCEO; Neuro Experts, LLCChief neuroradiology Expert

Saman Hazany, MD, DABR

CEO; Neuro Experts, PC

Chief neuroradiology Expert

Saman Hazany, MD, DABR

Award-winning, Harvard trained neuroradiologist and concussion/Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) imaging expert in active clinical practice at major academic centers (greater Los Angeles VA,UCLA, and USC). Focus on Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) in concussion/mild TBI. Board and Certificate of Added Qualification (CAQ) in radiology and neuroradiology. Extensive experience in care of patients with traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, stroke, epilepsy, and brain tumor. 15+ years experience. Extensive teaching and research leadership experience at USC (2012- present) and UCLA (2019-present). Former radiology department chair and director of neuroradiology at Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center (2012-2018). CEO and chief neuroradiology expert witness at Neuro Experts, PC (2018-present), contributing to clinical care and medicolegal issues of numerous patients with neurological disorders. Frequent presenter and invited lecturer in neuroradiology and Traumatic brain injury.

  • Comprehensive Neuroradiology Medical-Legal EvaluationFor attorneys

Imaging is an essential component of a comprehensive approach to neurological disease diagnosis, especially in setting of trauma. In many cases, imaging is the sole objective evidence that supports the true diagnosis and extent of disease. Validity of neuro-imaging and its contribution to the outcome of a litigation, depends on type and quality of images and accuracy of interpretation.

  • Call or email us if you believe your client’s imaging was misinterpreted. Misinterpretation of imaging findings can mislead and erroneously change the course of a litigation. For example, common findings of traumatic brain injury (TBI)such as subtle “subarachnoid hemorrhage”, “brain contusion”, and “volume loss and gliosis”, are regularly missed or misinterpreted by non-expert neuroradiologists. Our TBI imaging expert witnesses, with years of experience at level 1 trauma centers, are leaders in TBI education and research. This enables them to thoroughly assess the imaging protocol and issue an accurate and comprehensive report in correlation with the clients’ history and symptoms.

  • Advanced MR imaging sequences such as Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) are used to provide insight on location, extent, and severity of TBI. These sequences are frequently interpreted inaccurately by non-expert radiologists. Clinical and research expertise in DTI imaging allows our TBI imaging expert witnesses’ accurate interpretation of these complicated and advanced imaging modalities.

  • CONTACT US with questions about DTI.